Everyone at Much Marcle would like to wish you a very warm welcome to our wonderful website. This is where you will find a range of information about Much Marcle Primary School. We hope you will find it interesting and informative.

It is our intention to give you a picture of life at our school and why we love to work here.

We look forward to hearing from visitors and friends, so please get in touch by one of the ways listed on the Contact Us page or leave a nice message on our Guestbook.

We hope you enjoy our website as much as we do.

New Things on our Web…

Our web was last updated on 22 October 2024

Latest additions to our Events Gallery

Year 6 at PGL

Year 6 PGL

Our Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed their three-day residential trip to PGL. They faced their fears on the high trapeze, ...

Class 2 at Goodrich Castle

Although it was a wet day, the children of Class 2 enjoyed their visit to Goodrich Castle as part of ...

Eco Club

Children enjoyed their first session at eco club, weeding and preparing the beds for new growth ...

Young Voices 2024

Our children joined 6000 other children from across the midlands and joined in song at the Young Voices concert held ...
Our Awards