Test Results

Here are our assessment results for 2024 (Academic Year 2023/24).

National figures are in brackets.

Key Stage 2 (End of Year 6)

SubjectReading Expected Standard*Above Expected StandardAverage Scaled Score
Reading89% (74%)44%108(105)
Writing78% (72%)22%n/a
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling78% (72%)44%107(105)
Mathematics100% (73%)33%109(104)
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined78% (61%)11%n/a

*Note: The figure for ‘Reaching Expected Standard’ includes those working ‘At’ and ‘Above’ Expected Standard (ie. at Greater Depth).


SubjectAverage Progress

Note: This cohort did not take their KS1 SATs in 2020 due to the Covid pandemic, so progress figures cannot be calculated this year.

School Performance Tables

For further information on our school results see our page on the Government’s School and College Performance comparison website:

Gov.uk School and College Performance

Letters of Congratulations