Our Community

At Much Marcle we are privileged to live and work in a beautiful thriving rural community. There are many places to visit within easy walking distance for every child.

St Bartholomew’s Church

Our school logo is a clear reminder of our important connection to our Church with its ancient yew tree. It is one of the oldest yew trees in the country (thought to be over 1,500 years old). The trunk is so huge and worn that a bench has been constructed inside it which can seat several people!

The Yew Tree became even more special when it became part of the The Queen’s Green Canopy in 2022. The Queen’s Green Canopy highlighted 70 unique and irreplaceable Ancient Woodlands across the United Kingdom and 70 Ancient Trees to celebrate Her Majesty’s 70 years of service.  The Yew Tree at St Bartholomew’s was one of those chosen trees!

Throughout the year we visit St Bartholomew’s where the children lead services, including Harvest, Easter and a leaver’s celebration.

Children inside our special Yew Tree as part of the Queen's Green Canopy

Our Queen's Green Canopy Celebration around the Yew Tree

Inside St Bartholomew's Church for an Easter workshop

Homme House

Our school House names represent four Herefordshire apples – Pomeroy, Pippin, Russet and Pearmain.

We planted each of the apple trees at Homme House in a whole school tree planting ceremony.  We shared local apple juice and recited apple poetry.

The trees line a footpath that leads to a newly planted meadow.  Homme House asked our Year 6 children to help with the re-seeding of the meadow as part of a national meadow restoration project.

As a school we plan to visit our apple trees, hoping they will yield a good harvest in future years.

Our whole school tree planting ceremony

Year 6 children sowing the new meadow at Homme House

Hellens Manor House

We have a very special association with the beautiful historic Hellens House.

Mr Adam Munthe and the Pennington-Mellor-Munthe Trust are very supportive of our work and our children are very welcome visitors to the house and grounds.

We use the grounds of Hellens for our Forest School sessions and the House for local historical studies.  Our children have lead magical Christmas concerts in their beautiful Barns and been involved in Eco projects, where the children’s work has been displayed at the annual Garden Festival.

Hellens Manor is 'the jewel in the crown of Herefordshire homes'

Children taking part in an eco project

A music project at Hellens

Awnells Farm

Awnells Farm is a traditional farm managed by the Countryside Trust where our children can see and experience farm life.

In partnership with Westons, a local employer, our children have followed the process of apple harvesting and production.

The ‘Friends of Much Marcle School’ are pleased to support our work away from the school by funding coach trips to further explore our wonderful county and its neighbours.

Children in KS1 visited Awnells Farm to pick apples - then they took them to Westons to be weighed

Taking the children (and their apples) to Westons on the dray pulled by horses