Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is a National Government initiative. It is an additional amount given to schools, on top of their main budget, to raise levels of achievement for all disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between disadvantaged children and their peers.

Pupil Premium Funding is allocated to children who meet certain criteria:

  • If they are looked after by the Local Authority
  • If they have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (also known as Ever 6 FSM)
  • If their parents are currently serving in the armed forces

Schools are allocated £1,900 per looked after child, £1,320 per child who has been eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years and £300 for a child with a parent serving in the armed forces.

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium funding as they see fit. However, it is expected that the funding will be used to support children who fall into this group so that they have every opportunity to make the same progress as their peers.

We track the attainment and progress of all children and this forms a regular part of the review process within school. We compare the progress of children eligible for Pupil Premium funding against their peers in school and nationally. By doing this we can judge the impact of our work and the level of success.

We report annually to Governors on how Pupil Premium funding has been used.

Barriers Faced by Eligible Children

At Much Marcle Primary School we use the Pupil Premium funding to support children with different needs. The main barriers faced by eligible children include:

  • Underdeveloped vocabulary and literacy skills, including reading, writing, communication and social interaction.
  • Underdeveloped mathematics.
  • Emotional and social vulnerability.
  • Lack of confidence and resilience.

How Pupil Premium Funding will be Spent

Areas that will be targeted include:

  • Enabling more pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to access the best education.
  • Reducing the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils.
  • Ensuring the differences for significant groups are diminishing.

How we will work towards achieving these goals:

  • Guidance from the Education Psychologist.
  • Training and support from the behaviour Team in Herefordshire.
  • Individual behaviour support plans for identified children.
  • Ensure attendance of children eligible for FSM/Pupil Premium is consistent with whole school targets.
  • Pupil Premium children will have their needs clearly identified and the progress closely monitored throughout the school.
  • Teachers and support staff trained in running interventions.
  • A high ratio of support staff per class.
  • 1:1 daily reading for all identified children needing support.
  • Provide intervention programmes for underachieving pupils who need support with their learning to reach their potential.

Enrichment Opportunities:

  • To access specialist music tuition, promoting increased aural awareness, self-discipline and improved motor skills.
  • To access specialist sports tuition, including lunch time and after school clubs.

How the Impact will be Measured

The impact of the funding is measured by the attainment and progress of the children who are entitled to Pupil Premium funding throughout the termly and yearly whole school data analysis and also at the end of Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. The emotional and social welfare of the children is measured through interaction, feedback from the child/parent and success in the classroom and at playtimes.