by School Staff | 29 March 2019 | General Events
Class 3 visited Hellens Manor House to meet Danish musician Elisabeth Zeuthen Schneider. They practised their songs for the concert they will be performing at Hellens in May. Elisabeth even played her violin as the children walked down the drive, back to school. We...
by School Staff | 29 March 2019 | General Events
Key Stage 2 went to Hellens to watch a Young Shakespeare production of Hamlet. As always, it was a fantastically interactive production, in which the children were very involved. Some of the children got to go up alongside the professionals and take on acting roles –...
by School Staff | 26 March 2019 | Music News
Our KS2 and KS1 choir travelled to Hereford Courtyard to compete against other schools. Each choir performed two songs, on stage to a full auditorium. Both choirs were a true credit to themselves and the school. The KS1 choir won the best choir in their category....
by School Staff | 18 March 2019 | General Events
Class 3 visited the Roman Fortress in Caerleon. The children dressed up as Roman school children, experiencing what school would have been like back then.The children became gladiators in the Amphitheatre, dressed up as soldiers in the Barrack Room and experienced...
by School Staff | 15 March 2019 | General Events
For Red Nose Day 2019 the children made a donation to Comic Relief and came to school dressed in their own clothes and with crazy hair. In total we raised a fantastic £171!We had a lot of interesting and creative hair styles and here are a few that really stood out. ...