by School Staff | 8 April 2022 | General Events
As part of the celebrations this week Mrs Harrison organised a big top and circus act to come and perform and teach the children circus skills. Mrs Harrison, Mrs Park and Mrs Davies outdid the professional clowns with their costumes! The children enjoyed a visit from...
by School Staff | 7 April 2022 | General Events
This week has been a week of very mixed emotions for everyone, as we say goodbye and good luck to Mrs Harrison, as she heads off on her retirement adventure. Words do not seem enough when thanking Mrs Harrison for her incredible commitment to so many children at Much...
by School Staff | 5 April 2022 | General Events
We were eggcited to run this event this year. The Friends of Much Marcle did a fantastic job organising and running the event in the Village Hall. There was a wonderful turnout and everyone enjoyed the buzz of playing bingo whilst potentially winning a chocolate egg!...
by School Staff | 1 April 2022 | General Events
During February and March, KS1 were fortunate enough to take part in forest school sessions in the local woods. These sessions focused on nature and animals. The children explored the woods in search of minibeasts and then used mud clay to build lifelike models of...