Year 6 PGL

Year 6 PGL

Our Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed their three-day residential trip to PGL. They faced their fears on the high trapeze, worked together as a team to create a raft and danced the night away at the silent disco. The PGL staff commented on how respectful and polite...
Class 2 at Goodrich Castle

Class 2 at Goodrich Castle

Although it was a wet day, the children of Class 2 enjoyed their visit to Goodrich Castle as part of their castles topic. The children were fascinated by the amazing features of the castle and it was wonderful to see them get excited over standing amongst a part of...
Eco Club

Eco Club

Children enjoyed their first session at eco club, weeding and preparing the beds for new growth. Back to Events...
Young Voices 2024

Young Voices 2024

Our children joined 6000 other children from across the midlands and joined in song at the Young Voices concert held at The Resorts Arena Birmingham. The children entertained the audience with a variety of songs and were joined by famous dances and musicians...
Christmas 2023

Christmas 2023

After what has seemed like a very long term, we have made it to the end of the year. The children have enjoyed a very exciting but busy last week of term. We began the week by making our own eco-friendly Christmas crackers and hats which were pulled during our...
Key Stage One Nativity 2023

Key Stage One Nativity 2023

As always St Bartholomew’s provided the perfect setting for our annual Nativity. The children told The Christmas Story and filled the church with their beautiful voices. We hope you enjoyed listening to their wonderful singing and acting. Back to Events...