Year 6 PGL

Year 6 PGL

Our Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed their three-day residential trip to PGL. They faced their fears on the high trapeze, worked together as a team to create a raft and danced the night away at the silent disco. The PGL staff commented on how respectful and polite...
Macmillan Cake Raffle 2021

Macmillan Cake Raffle 2021

Again, this year for Macmillan, we held a cake raffle but this year it was bigger and better, with sixteen amazing cakes up for grabs. The children bought tickets from school and the draw took place on Friday 24th September. We managed to raise a fantastic £220 for...
Housepoint Winners 2021

Housepoint Winners 2021

Throughout the year children are awarded housepoints that are counted up and recorded by the house captains.  The house with the most housepoints this year were Willow.   Back to Events...
Easter Celebration 2021

Easter Celebration 2021

Due to current restrictions our Easter service was a little different this year, but the children still celebrated through song and poetry. They also made some fantastic Easter bonnets which can be seen in the video below. Back to Events...
Nativity 2020

Nativity 2020

Our carol service could not happen this year but our nativity was not cancelled at Much Marcle! The children thoroughly enjoyed being filmed by a professional videographer and the whole school sang as loud as our usual congregation. We look forward to reading your...