by School Staff | 10 July 2019 | General Events, Music News
This year our comedy, summer themed play, We’re all going on a Summer Holiday was a huge success. Children wait patiently for seven years to take on the lead roles and every year they surprise us with their confidence and acting abilities. The rest of the school sang...
by School Staff | 1 May 2019 | Music News
Class 3 children entertained parents, members of the local community and professional musicians with their singing. The children performed a medley of songs that they have been learning through our Music Project, funded by Hellens and led by Ms Snazdel. The children...
by School Staff | 26 March 2019 | Music News
Our KS2 and KS1 choir travelled to Hereford Courtyard to compete against other schools. Each choir performed two songs, on stage to a full auditorium. Both choirs were a true credit to themselves and the school. The KS1 choir won the best choir in their category....